Buckeye Santa's Memorial Page

Image above courtesy of Carlo Klemm

Members we have lost and will forever be remembered:

Santa Gene Tolliver 

(February 13, 2025)

Santa Mike Copland 

(January 2, 2024)

Santa Doug Baird 

(December 19, 2023)

Santa Phil Howard 

(December 27, 2021)

Santa Kent Bridges 

(December 26, 2020)

Santa Ron Burgess 

(December 11, 2020)

Santa Ricky Baldwin 

(November 2, 2020)

Santa Mickey Cline 

(July 15, 2020)

Santa Wayne Evans 

(February 12, 2020)

Santa Ron Cattrell 

(February 4, 2020)

Santa Bob Handley 

(January 14, 2019)

Santa James Hudson 

(October 5, 2018)

Santa John Hamilton 

(August 22, 2018)

Santa Ronald McLaughlin 

(May 14, 2018)

Santa Art Main 

(August 7, 2017)

Santa Gary Shaw 

(March 21, 2017)

Santa Eddie Burch 

(November 19, 2015)

Santa Larry Durian 

(April 9, 2015)

Santa Jim North 

(April 30, 2014)

Santa Roy Wells 

(March 21, 2014)

Santa Joey DeCarlo 

(September 6, 2011)

Santa Bill Search 

(July 9, 2011)

Santa Michael Brandt

Santa Frederick Henderson

Santa Chubby Ashner

The Final Sleigh Ride

By Philip D. Gurganus

He could not remember a time when the reindeer flew with such strength and speed

He could not recall a moment in which his suit shown so bright

He felt an energy he had not felt in many a year

The moon was getting brighter as he rode on into the night

A misty fog swirled and danced around the hooves of the deer

The clouds parted before them as they made their way

He looked around and saw nothing but stars for as far as he could see

Just he and the reindeer and a shiny golden sleigh

He had no concept of how long they had traveled or what path they flew

He could not say when he first noticed the gate

As he approached, he was astounded by its size and splendor

He had never in his lifetime seen anything so beautiful and ornate

He stepped from the sleigh and with reins in hand, he walked up to the gate

The instant he touched it his heart overflowed and tears of joy filled his eyes

The gate was made of silver and pearl, and the path was covered in gold

He had reached the end of his journey, the land of cloudless skies

He stood in silence as the gate slowly opened, hesitating before he entered

He felt a gentle hand take the reins and lead the reindeer away

He set down his big red bag and left it outside the gate, never to be used again

Taking off his big boots he placed them with the bag, they too outside shall stay

He entered inside and was met by friends and loved ones who had passed before

The Angels replaced his red suit with a beautiful robe of white

They sang as he made his way among them, in awe of such splendor

As the crowd began to part, he was nearly blinded by the light

As his eyes began to focus, he felt a hand take his to welcome and to lead

He turned and looked into eyes more kind and loving than any he had ever seen

As that hand held his in a firm warm grip, he felt the scars in the man’s hands

A gentle voice whispered "Welcome my son, come, it's time to open your gifts."